Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Burning Topics

Hadhrat Khwaja Muhammad Durvesh (May Allah shower His Mercy on him)

  Hadhrat Khwaja Muhammad Durvesh

(May Allah shower His Mercy on him)


Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) writes about Hadhrat Durvesh Muhammad (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) in Gulzaar-e-Auliya:


He was a master of the outward and inward sciences and the subtleties.  He was famous in ecstasy, absorption, yearning and generosity.  He was a sign of Allah in training and instruction of disciples.  Whoever saw his style of instruction would be astonished.  When he would make the disciples traverse the Path, the power and grandeur of Allah could be discerned.


Even though he traversed the Path initially under the guidance of Hadhrat Khwaja ‘Ubaidullah Ahraar, he completed his spiritual journey and gained authorization from Hadhrat Khwaja Sharfuddin Muhammad Zahid (May Allah shower His Mercy on him).


He passed away in 970 Hijri.  His blessed grave is in ‘Umkana.  (Gulzaar-e-Auliya of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan)


He is a great Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Order and is a disciple and caliph of Hadhrat Muhammad Sharfuddin Zahid (May Allah shower His Mercy on him).


Hadhrat Maulana Durvesh Muhammad (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) received the authorization from his maternal uncle Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Sharfuddin Zahid (May Allah shower His Mercy on him).  Fifteen years before he gave his pledge, he had busied himself in worship and mortification.  He would go into solitude into the wilderness and engage himself in remembrance of Allah Most High without any thought to food and rest.


Once, he was overwhelmed by hunger and raised his face to the sky.  Suddenly, Hadhrat Khidhr (May peace be upon him) appeared and said:  If you desire patience and contentment, present yourself to Hadhrat Khwaja Muhammad Zahid (May Allah shower His Mercy on him).  He will teach you patience and reliance on Allah Most High.


Thus, he presented himself to Hadhrat Khwaja Muhammad Zahid (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) and in his tutelage, he reached the very heights of spirituality.


On the demise of Hadhrat Khwaja Zahid (May Allah shower His Mercy on him), he became his successor.  He had a great status in piety, fortitude and preservation of his Nisbah.  However, he would go to great lengths to keep his spiritual states secret and to lead a life of obscurity.  He started teaching the Holy Quran to kids so that people would recognize him as such and wouldn’t become aware of his true worth.  In spite of all this, how can musk be hidden?


Once, a great Shaykh passed through this town and he said that I smell the fragrance of a man of Allah from here.  This was an indication towards Hadhrat Khwaja Durvesh Muhammad (May Allah shower His Mercy on him).


The reason of his fame


The Khwaja’s son, Hadhrat Khwaajgi (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) narrates the reason behind the fame of his father:


Once, a dervish mentioned Hadhrat Nooruddin Khwaafi (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) before my father.  My father turned to me and said:  Son!  He is a great saint of our times.  Whenever he comes here, you must meet him.


Some days after this, Hadhrat Nooruddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) passed by this town.  When my father heard of his coming, he went forward to meet him in the unsuitable clothes that he had on his body.  He also took some gift for him.  I was also along with my father.


When we reached there, Hadhrat Nooruddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) welcomed my father very warmly.  They embraced each other for a long time.  After that, they meditated together for a long time as well.  When my father returned, Hadhrat Nooruddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) escorted him for some distance and very humbly saw him off.


        After my father returned, Hadhrat Nooruddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) asked those present: The seekers of this area must visit him.  Isn’t it?  People said:  He is not a Shaykh at all.  He is a Mullah who teaches the Holy Quran to our kids.  On this, Shaykh Nooruddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) said:  Allah be praised!  How blind and dead-hearted are these people that they don’t seek any benefit from such a great saint.


These words of the Shaykh became famous and people started coming to Hadhrat Durvesh Muhammad (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) in large numbers.  They would reach the pinnacles of spirituality under his direction.  However, Hadhrat Durvesh (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) would remain saddened by this attention and would yearn for the pleasure of obscurity.


A miracle of Hadhrat Durvesh Muhammad (May Allah shower His Mercy on him)


Shaykh Hussain Khwarizmi Kurdi (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) was a famous saint of his times.  It was his habit that wherever he would go, he would confiscate the Nisbah of all those Shaykhs who would meet him.


        Once, he came to the place where Hadhrat Khwaja Durvesh Muhammad (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) lived.  All the Shaykhs of that area came out to meet him.  Hadhrat Durvesh (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) said:  We should also go and meet him.


        Before leaving, he confiscated the Nisbah of Shaykh Khwarizmi (May Allah shower His Mercy on him).  Here, when Shaykh Khwarizmi (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) found himself empty, he was distressed.


When Hadhrat Durvesh (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) started from his house, Shaykh Khwarizmi (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) smelled his Nisbah.  He mounted a camel and started following the fragrance.  The closer he came to Hadhrat Durvesh (May Allah shower His Mercy on him), the stronger the fragrance became.  Both of them met in the way and the fragrance terminated there.  Shaykh Khwarizmi (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) understood that Hadhrat Durvesh (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) had confiscated his Nisbah.


He expressed great humility and said:  I didn’t know that sainthood is under you.  I will return this moment.  Hadhrat Durvesh (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) took mercy on him and returned his Nisbah.  Shaykh Khwarizmi (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) started for his house immediately.




Hadhrat Maulana Durvesh Muhammad (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) passed away on 19th Muharram 970 Hijri which corresponds to 1563 AD.  His blessed grave is in Transoxiana.