Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Burning Topics

"Friendship" with the opposite sex


“Friendship” with the opposite sex

Guys and girls go to college.  Till they return home, they meet many Unrelated (non-Mahram) fellows of the opposite sex.  By meeting them time and again, a relationship starts.  All this is happening, but their families are not even aware of it.  It is not permissible for a Muslim woman/girl to see an Unrelated (non-Mahram) guy.  The Hadith have strict warnings about 2 Unrelated (non-Mahram) of the opposite sex meeting each other.


It is narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Umama (May Allah be well pleased with him):


Translation:  The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:  You avoid being alone with women.  By Him who holds my life in His hand, no man is alone with an Unrelated (non-Mahram) woman but that Satan joins them.  (Mo’jam Kabeer Tabarani, Hadith No. 7736)


This obviates that relations between a Muslim girl and an Unrelated (non-Mahram) guy rouses the wrath of Allah Most High.  It is the responsibility of the parents and other elders that they should educate their girls in a college where Hijab is properly practiced and there is no mixing of guys and girls.  Along with this, they should personally monitor their wards.


If there is any lapse in proper upbringing of children and the children end up on the wrong path, then the parents/guardians will also be held responsible for this before Almighty Allah.  Those guys and girls should keep in mind that Almighty Allah is seeing us and is aware of what we do and will hold one to account for the sins and punish severely.


In the college and at workplaces, relationships are formed between Unrelated (non-Mahram) guys and girls.  They freely mix with each other although the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has declared this as adultery of the body parts.


This “relationship” of this guy and girl is not just limited to conversation but the boy and the girl roam together.  They even touch and caress each other.  There is a Hadith in Mo’jam Kabeer Tabarani and Kanz Ul ‘Ummaal:


Translation: Hadhrat Ma’aqal (May Allah be well pleased with him) narrates that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:  That a needle of iron should prick your head is better than that you touch a non-Mahram woman.  (Mo’jam Kabeer Tabarani, Hadith No. 16880; Kanz Ul ‘Ummaal, Kitab Ul Hudood, Al Fasluth Thani, Fit Tasamuhi Wal Ighdhai Fil Hudood, Hadith No. 13065).


Just touching an Unrelated (non-Mahram) girl is such a grave sin that the agony of its punishment will be more than if a needle of iron pricks the head.  When this person will be punished, he will consider pricking of his head with an iron needle less than and better than this.


Physical relationships in the name of friendship


Boys and girls start living with each other in the name of friendship and this “friendship” leads to illicit relationships (May Allah protect us all from this).  Physical relationship between boys and girls is strictly forbidden.


Islamic guidelines and rules of the Shariah cannot be violated in the name of friendship.  It is mentioned in Surah Taha:


And surely he who bears the burden of wrongdoing will crumble to failure.


(Surah Taha: 20:111)


Illicit physical relations is nothing but adultery and a great sin and a Faithful (Momin) can’t commit such an act.  If anyone denies this mischief then Faith (Iman) will be out of him.  There is a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim:


Translation: It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be well pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:  At the time when an adulterer is committing adultery, he (or she) is not a complete believer (Momin).  (Sahih Bukhari, Kitab Ul Madhalim, Babun Nuhba Bighairi Idhni Sahibihee, Hadith No. 2475; Sahih Muslim, Kitab Ul Iman, Babu Bayani Nuqsanil Imani Bil Ma’asi, Hadith No. 211)


Describing how vile adultery is, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has declared it the worst sin after ascribing partners to Almighty Allah (Shirk).  He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:


Translation: After ascribing partners to Allah, there is no sin worst than casting one’s seed in a womb, which was not permissible for that man.  (Jame’ Ul Ahadith, Hadith No. 20456)