Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Burning Topics

The birth of Prophet ‘Isa (May peace be upon him)


The birth of Prophet ‘Isa

(May peace be upon him)


It is mentioned in Surah Al ‘Imran that the mother of Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) had sworn that she would give her up for the service of Masjid Al Aqsa.  There Hadhrat Zakariyya (May peace be upon him) was appointed as her supervisor.  A room was given to her and she would spend her time engaged in worship of Allah Most High.


One day, she was engaged in worship as usual that she saw a young, handsome man standing quite close to her.  She thought that the intentions of that man were not noble and she started entreating him in the name of the Lord Almighty not to assault her.  That “man” was Jibreel (May peace be upon him) who had come in the form of a human being as Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) could not bear to see him in his true angelic form.


Jibreel allayed her fears by revealing to her that he was not a man but an angel.  He then informed her that he was sent by the Lord Almighty to grant Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon him) a noble son.  Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon him) was astonished and said:  I am a virgin.  Neither am I married nor am I adulterous, then how can I bear a child?


Jibreel (May peace be upon him) reiterated that this is what is going to happen.  The law of nature is that children are conceived by union of a man and a woman.  A child being conceived without its father goes against all the laws of nature, but this is very easy for the Lord of Maryam.  Allah Most High is not bound by those laws of nature which you see.  The fact is that those processes of nature require His permission to become fruitful.  Sending a child into this world without a father at all is a clear and irrefutable sign of the limitless power of Almighty Allah.  Almighty Allah also made it clear that this was not going to be an ordinary child but would give others glad tidings of divine mercy.


Then Hadhrat Jibreel (May peace be upon him) blew upon Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) and she conceived.  Being informed of the will of Allah Most High, she was content but how would she answer to the taunts of others?  The secret of Allah Most High cannot be revealed to all and sundry.  Even if it were done so, who would be willing to believe it?  Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) deemed it prudent to vanish from the sight of people.  Thus, she left the room allotted to her and went away to some far off place.


Now those who say that Jibreel (May peace be upon him) gave only glad tidings of the birth of Prophet ‘Isa (biblical name Jesus) (May peace be upon him) at that time and he was to be born after the marriage of Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her), why would she leave her residence and go to some far flung place if she had become pregnant after marriage – in the usual manner?


When the period of the pregnancy came to a close, she moved to the shade of a dead date palm.  Then the labor pains started in earnest.  There was nobody to help her and not even a place where she could rest properly.  Moreover she was struck severely by the thoughts that until then she had hidden herself, now where would she hide her child?  Just reflect over it.  If this were after her marriage, she would be in her own house.  At the very least, one midwife would be there to assist her in childbirth.  Have you ever heard that a pregnant woman on the verge of childbirth is roaming valleys all alone?


At last, she heard a reassuring voice from below:  O Maryam!  Don’t be sad.  Just see, your Lord has run a river for you.  When your Lord’s benedictions are directed at you each and every moment, then why do you lament?  You shake the trunk and fresh dates will fall at your feet.  The Lord who granted her out-of season fruits when you used to pray will now grant you fresh dates.  In the opinion of the doctors, fresh and sweet dates are the best food for a pregnant woman.


After the child is born, if any person sees a child with you and asks you about the child, then you don’t need to say anything.  Just indicate to them that you are fasting and cannot talk.


After Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) regained her health, she returned to her people.  When they saw Maryam returning with a child in her arms, they were astonished beyond belief.  This news spread among the Bani Israil and people gathered to taunt her.  A woman raised her hand to slap Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) and her hand withered away.  A man said:  You are an adulterer… and was immediately struck dumb.  After these incidents nobody dared speak ill of her or hurt her.  They had to content themselves with the words:  O Maryam!  You have done a very wrong thing.


When they asked Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) about the baby, (Prophet ‘Isa), as per the command of Allah Most High, she held her peace and gestured towards the baby.  The questioners exclaimed:  O Maryam!  Do you joke with us?  You remain quiet and ask us to speak with the infant who is yet in the cradle.  How can we talk with him?


Prophet ‘Isa (May peace be upon him) then turned to the people and said:  I am a worshipper of Allah Most High (neither God nor God’s son).  He has granted me a book and has made me a Prophet and He has made me blessed wherever I am and He has ordered me to offer Salaat and give Zakaat.


[Excerpted from Zia Ul Quran, Vol. 3, Surah Maryam]